شرح الماضي الافتراضي في اللغة الإنجليزية The Unreal Past
مرحباً بكم مع الدرس الثامن عشر من دروس قواعد الإنجليزية: شرح الماضي الافتراضي في اللغة الإنجليزية The Unreal Past
أولاً: المقصود من الماضي الافتراضي:
في حالة التعبير عن مواقف غير حقيقية أو خيالية أو التعبير عن رغبة لا يمكن تحقيقها:
1- نستخدم الماضي البسيط لتمني أو افتراض في الحاضر مثل:
I wish I knew his phone No. to communicate with him. (but I do not know it)
I wish I realized earlier that he is a real man.
I wish he came now.
2- نستخدم الماضي التام لتمني أو افتراض في الماضي مثل:
They behave as if they had succeeded in all exams.
We wish that he had passed the interview to obtain the job.
I wish (wished) he had attended the party yesterday.
He talks about England as if he had been there himself.
I wish he had gone yesterday.
الكلمات المستخدمة مع الماضي الافتراضي هي:
Wish, if only, as if, as though, suppose, it is high time, it is about time….
إذا كان الفعل المستخدم في الجملة هو فعل الكينونة (to be) فمن الأفضل استخدام (were) مع كل الضمائر مثل:
I wish he were you.
We wish you were a good partner.
كلمة wish و if only يمكن أن تشير إلى المستقبل لذلك نستخدم كلمة would بدلاً من will مثل:
I wish he would come next week.
If only she would meet us tomorrow.
ثانياً: تمارين على استخدام الماضي الافتراضي:
تمرين رقم 1:
ضع الفعل بين القوسين في الصيغة الصحيحة:
1- I wish you (tell) me earlier about his continuous lies.
2- It is high time he (sell) his crops.
3- I wish I (be) as clever as he is.
4- if only he (be) certain about her address.
5- He walks as if he (have) a wooden leg.
6- He treats us as though we (be) children.
7- Suppose that the teacher (catch) you smoking.
8- If only he (not eat) so much last night.
9- I wished he (tell us the truth)
10- If only he (return) tomorrow.
تمرين رقم 2:
اختر الإجابة الصحيحة وضعها في مكانها المناسب:
1- I wish I ……………. a doctor to treat her. (am, were, was)
2- If only she ………….. her question in a polite manner. (asks, asked, had asked)
3- She walks in a strange manner as if she …………….. a big prize. (win, won, had won)
ثالثاً: حلول التمارين:
حل تمرين رقم 1:
1- I wish you told me earlier about his continuous lies.
2- It is high time he sold his crops.
3- I wish I were as clever as he is.
4- If only he were certain about her address.
5- He walks as if he had a wooden leg.
6- He treats us as though we were children.
7- Suppose that the teacher caught you smoking.
8- If only he did not eat so much last night.
9- I wished he had told us the truth
10- If only he returned tomorrow.
حل تمرين رقم 2:
1- I wish I were a doctor to treat her.
2- If only she had asked her question in a polite manner.
3- She walks in a strange manner as if she won a big prize.
Hello, thanks for such effort.
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